Surface Water Solutions  was created 15 years ago to provide support for anyone trying to protect water quality in a surface water body – be it a pond, lake, stream or river.  The solutions were based on managing the soil and run-off before it got to the receiving water body.  But both then and now, improving soil and storing water are key to protecting not just water – but our very survival. 


Securing Our Future


Building Food Security

Our services and products are designed to give our clients what they need based on past experience – our experience and that of our clients.  We provide the tools you need for the product you choose.  Sure you can find lower prices with other companies, but will you get everything you actually need to get the job done?


Protecting & Balancing Water Supply

We care about what you do, and we work to  provide what you need to succeed. All our products are designed with that in mind.  Although some of our services are basic to all, we treat our clients as individuals. We aren’t  a one-size-fits-all company. We’ll help you develop a customized plan for your unique company.


Reversing CO2 Levels

The services and products we provide to our clients are based on their bottom line – satisfied customers – so that we can have the same.  We believe in honoring the unique personalities, culture and market that has grown your business so far, and are committed to providing the tools and support to you to continue.